Thursday, March 8, 2012

{Thankful Thursdays}

I have a sweet, old friend that does "Thankful Thursday" on her blog, and I thought I would join in this week. :) (And it's a great blog to read too, I might add).

So, what am I thankful for? So much. But today, it is for my husband's voice. Weird, I know. But he is gone for a bit and communication is slim. I can never get used to him not being here, however often it may happen. The written word is so much less intimate than seeing his handsome face or connecting with words and thoughts and the expressions of his voice.

And even better, I love to hear his voice when he gets to connect with the kiddos! So sweet. Thank you Lord for phones and skype.

a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut


  1. awww. i can't imagine not having daily chit chats with my hubby is soooo my bestie. phones and skype are awesome.

  2. crystal!! i did not know you had a blog. so happy to see you. love you, friend. (also, i'm not old. :))
