Monday, March 5, 2012

a little bubble-ness and ballet

A little princess on her way to preschool! I finished this skirt right before school but had to practically bribe her to try it on to make sure it fit and to sew the elastic waistband together! Little girls, I tell you... She loves the outfit though and whenever it is clean she picks it up! It is a hit! I have been wanting to make a bubble skirt for awhile and it worked perfectly with this turtleneck that I embellished with the ballerina silhouette.  

I have seen a few shirts like this here and there so I thought I would try one since we like ballet and I had some extra lace and tulle lying around.

So what do you think? I am posting a link to the Project Run and Play website... they are doing auditions for the next session. (The talent is amazing so I'm not expecting anything but I will give it a shot!! And I love the site, go take a peek! Also you can link up and try out yourself, open auditions!) 


  1. Cute! I haven't tried to do a bubble skirt yet, but it looks like you did a great job! I had the same philosophy on PRP as yourself, why not try? It's not going to hurt anything, and besides, the challenge of just preparing for auditions was enough to kick start my sewing skills. Best of luck!

    jess @

  2. super cute top ~ my daughter loves everything ballet, she'd love this :)

  3. Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

    1. Crystal

      Thanks so much for entering your darling outfit into season 4. I love the tee and skirt (and the tulle addition!) is seriously so cute together.

      P.S. Your blog is darling! Can't wait to see what you do next....
